You may watch the welcome video here: 


Dear colleagues,

During the last years the specialty of Pulmonology has been highlighted as of key importance and established in the consciousness of the medical world and society as a front-line specialty. The Department of Respiratory Medicine at the University of Patras having extroverted orientation, responds to the increased needs for scientific training & education by organizing the hybrid Congress: "Bridges of Pulmonology 2023", which will be held on June 9-11, 2023, in Patras, at the Royal Theater hall.

Our conference will be the first patient-centered scientific forum in the field of Greek respiratory medicine where international speakers and several world-wide and national experts will share their scientific views within patient-centered scientific sessions that will address patients’ needs and expectations not only scientifically but also with empathy and compassion.

The Congress also aims to unite different medical specialties & scientific communities with a modern holistic approach to patients with respiratory diseases, in order to achieve their treatment optimization. It includes rich topics that not only respond to key clinical issues but also extend to the area of translational and basic research highlighting the importance of mechanistic thinking in the diagnosis and treatment of the respiratory patient. At the same time, practical training in basic techniques of emergency medicine and interventional pulmonology is being possible through modern interactive seminars (hands-on workshops). Thus, doctors of all specialties will gain benefits in the management of the complex respiratory patient.

With the hope and anticipation that this Congress will help building communication “bridges” and exchanging of scientific opinions among:

a. physicians and patients’ groups enhancing disease awareness, providing disease education and advancing care,

b. the medical specialties of Pulmonology, Cardiology, Pathology, Rheumatology, Neurology, Oncology, Nephrology, Allergology, ENT, General Medicine and Intensive Care, 

c. primary and tertiary care health.

I will be looking forward to your participation in a constructive three days Congress.

Within the era of precision medicine we should never forget that patients should lie at the core of decision making and disease management. 

Argyrios Tzouvelekis MD, PhD, MSc
Associate Professor of Internal and Respiratory Medicine Head Department of Respiratory Medicine University of Patras, Greece
Associate Professor Adjunct, Yale School of Medicine, USA